
Nuestra Señora de la Oliva, S.C.A. (Oleodiel)
Francisco Domínguez
+34 959 300 033
NUT Code III Province:
ES615 – Huelva
Oleodiel is a farming cooperative dedicated to the oil sector that was founded more than 60 years ago in Gibraleón (Huelva). Its main goal is to produce and market a premium oil product.
The cooperative has always sought to improve the productive processes and management of the olive grove, bringing new technologies closer to its cooperative members, by using mechanisations procedures that facilitate the collection of olives, and using also different sensors that allow monitoring and managing olive groves.
Good maintenance of olive groves, as well as a careful and controlled collection of the olives, gives place to a reliable product with optimal quality. The difference of Oleodiel oils is based on the harvesting. In this sense, harvesting of the olives is accelerated several months before to give the olive oil a distinctive fruity and aromatic touch.
In a highly competitive environment such as that of producing olive oil, it is very important to achieve differentiation from the rest of the producers. In this sense, Oleodiel has always sought to increase quality and improve production through the use of new technologies.
The development of TecnOlivo will allow for supervising the quality of the final product (olive oil) directly in the fields, so that all the members-producers are able maximise their resources in fields, and avoiding the prioritisation of the production in detriment of the overall quality results. In addition, continuous monitoring will allow corrective actions to be carried out accurately and on time, avoiding the excessive use of phytosanitary products and high-impact economic losses for small producers that are part of the cooperative.